You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Stock Transfers > Defining Stock Transfer Form

Defining Stock Transfer Form

Field Description
Transfer No. Automatically allocated when the form is saved for the first time. Numbering is managed by the System System Numbers form field SOHTransferNo
Transfer Date The current login date is populated into this field when the transfer is first created and remains editable until the form is activated
Reference Description of the transfer
Warehouse Automatically populated with the current active warehouse and can't be changed
Created By Field is populated with the current logged in users name and can't be changed
Created Automatically populated with the system date and time on creation
Last Modified By Updated with the name of the user who last changed the form
Last Modified Automatically populated with the system date and time on saving changes to an existing transfers
Reason Populated with the default transfer reason and can be changed by selecting from the search window at any time until activation

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